Listen to The Written Word

Home sweet home.



A Special Place For Writers
We’ve designed and constructed this site’s architecture to give you a place to practice your skills, hone your art and give and take feedback with fellow writing enthusiasts. You can create your literary masterpiece right here on this site, solo or with the help of a partner,  a group,  or whatever …and any writing you publish on this site is your copyright-protected property.

As you complete your work or want a review while writing, or share your writing with friends for review and feedback while also reviewing and exchanging ideas and feedback with your classmates’ writing.

Get to know the site …. Take this quick video tour.

(Note: Show a list of members who live near you.  When people register they have to give us their state, city, and ZIP code)

  • Site Familiarity Tour
    1. The Front End
      1. Navigation etc.
    2. The Back End
      1. Posts (How to create.)
      2. Talk about how much and the kinds of control you have as the master of your site presence and more by going behind the scenes. (To the control booth.)


2.  Set up your social presence
Learn, collaborate and WRITE!

Learn, improve, polish and publish your literary masterpiece now!


Now it’s time to start interacting with your new friends.

Things to cover with videos/audio/presentations/animations/ etc.:

  1. Social Interaction

Communicating on the site chats, messages (Better Messages) and possibly utilizing ZOOM capabilities.,

Collaborative Writing/editing (Use Revisions + wpDiscuz)
(Note: have to be able to issue permissions for an individual user who will be reviser for a specific post or page)

 Classes – short overview and point users to Roundtable Writing Classes 

Webinars and interviews with guest published writers, publishers, professional editors, writing coaches, teachers, illustrators, and more. (Video & Audio) (NOTE:  Add Screenplay writing to the mix and also allow film actors, screenplay writers, and others to appear in interviews, etc.

I’d like to get Harrison Ford (Lots in common – age, my private pilot adventure almost landing on top of planes waiting on taxiway like he almost did 🙂 send him my audio tribute to Blade Runner, etc.

Also John Keane – Finder of lost pets, and more as interview candidates.  What are they looking for in a good screenplay … also contact Sol Stein’s son (Los Angeles), who runs the Final Draft software company to get involved, and may also be a possible supporter/advertiser? Also, see if he can recommend actors (or agencies) we can interview.

  • Boulder Creek is a writer’s oasis!  Follow up to get leads for writer interviews.
  • Add this statement somewhere on the site: “You get lots of control over how you create your writing — you can add graphics or video to your writing to get your point across or tell a better story, you can also make it stand out. — show this in a video.

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Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula.


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